MageTalk Episode 122 – #roadtoimagine Series Part 1: “The American League of Samurais”

Get ready for Imagine in style by making MageTalk your soundtrack! This is part 1 of 4 ending on Monday with an EXCLUSIVE interview with Bob Schwartz! Buckle up!

You can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes and access the RSS feed here.



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Gene Commerce

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Show Notes

This show is full of  negative reviews and vacuum cleaners.

Build the community, don’t tear the community down.

These short & sweet show notes are brought to you by Rebecca Troth – go check out her youtube channel!


MageTalk Episode 78 – In the Same Breathable Air

Show Notes

  • 05:08 – Conferences and Magento Masters
  • 20:00 – Stickers, T-Shirts and Mugs, Oh my!
  • 22:30 – Rants about Momentum and Patches
  • 37:30 – SUPEE-7405, PHP 5.3 and LTS
  • 49:30 – GoodLinks, Productized Services

