Show Notes
The guys geek out about Magento Imagine 2015, the new Magento 2 admin theme and chat about various email conversion tactics.
- 3:35 eBay News
- 7:50 Magento2 New / Rumors
- 18:04 MageMail Update
- 24:55 How long should sessions live?
- 28:54 Huge Announcement
- Announcing Pulsar: Real-time Analytics at Scale
- Magento Imagine
- Magento Hackathon
- Joshua Warren
- Creatuity
- Launchpad
- Magento2 RC Webinar
- Pre-Imagine
- Kimberely Thomas
- Interactive4
- CloudWays Interview with Kalen Jordan
- 7PHP Interview with Phillip Jackson
- Kalen Jordan – @kalenjordan
- Phillip Jackson – @philwinkle