Jake and Michael discuss all the latest Laravel releases, tutorials, and happenings in the community.
This episode was streamed live.
Show links
- Laracon US 2019 speaker interviews
- 11 benefits of Tailwind CSS
- Getting started with Tailwind CSS custom forms plugin
- Testing time with Carbon and the Test Time package
- Laravel queue driver for RabbitMQ
- AMQP is a painless way to use RabbitMQ with Laravel
- Video platforms parser
- ClamAV anti-virus validator for Laravel
- ClamAV scanner for Flysystem
- Register multilingual routes in Laravel
- Mask sensitive data with the PHP Masked package
- GitHub announces dependency graph support for PHP
- Laravel Stats 2.0 is here
- Laravel error page illustrations
- Laravel scopes generator
- Laravel fireable attributes
- API logger package
- Scheduled task events added to Laravel 6.0.4