Jake and Michael return after a few weeks' hiatus to recap Laracon US 2017, the big reveal of Laravel Horizon, and catch up on the latest framework news.
You can read the full episode transcript which includes time markers and links.
Show Links
- Ziggy: A package for named Laravel routes in JavaScript
- Laravel 5.5 Responsable interface for responses
- Pull Request
- Introducing Laravel Horizon
- Watch the Laracon US keynote by Taylor Otwell
- Laravel Valet v2.0.5 is released
- Laravel Homestead Version 6 released
- Switching PHP versions with Laravel Valet
- Laravel v5.4.29 is released with two new Blade directives
- Laravel v5.4.32 is released with a security fix for image uploads
- S3 temporary URL signing
- Laravel 5.5 pivot casting